Earlier Ranbir Kapoor has been linked-up with all these three Bollywood’s actresses. But now it seems they are not ready to make-up with Ranbir Kapoor.
The buzz is that Ranbir hosted a party and invited Sonam Kapoor, Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif but all of them did not turn up for his party.
Everyone has given reason for not attending the bash even Imran Khan too avoided to attend his party though he has late night shooting schedule but after that he went back to his home if he would have really wished to attend it, he would have gone to say at least hi to him because he lives at the distance of 2 minutes.
Earlier Sonam Kapoor had differences with Ranbir Kapoor because of his dad’s comments. She has kept distance from him. Though Ranbir Kapoor called up for her personally but even being in town she did not attend his bash.
It seems Deepika Padukone has valid reason of not attending the bash because she was not in town but many times she has flown in for one evening to watch IPL so she could have done this again for Ranbir’s bash too.
Hot Katrina Kaif also chose not to attend his party because she was shooting for a film at night and in the morning she was supposed to catch a flight. Yet she could have said hi to Ranbir because their houses are near to each others.
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